Friday, October 26, 2007

Being Myself

Last night I had a dream, a very unusual one.......I was back to my school feast after long eight years. I was excited, thought of seeing all my old friends and teachers, but to my utter disappointment none to find. I was running but no one was there. It was all silent and dark........breath taking....With a jerk I woke up.... 'its just a dream' ....I told my self. But I was scared.......scared of darkness.... silence....and losing; and I still am .

Suddenly I remembered its 26th October........the day which changed my life. Speaking of my life......well I was and still am a very happy-go-lucky sort of a person. I love my life whatever comes on the way. Like everyone else I miss my childhood and my school. It was a complete fun filled one, and when I am concerned it has to be. I was a bit tomboyish at school (mine was JULIEN DAY, GANGANAGAR) always playing and hopping around with guys, one of the most mischievous and bossy girl of my time.....energetic and full of fun. But it was not always fun, I hated the exam time and being a mischievous girl I was bound to get punishment. Hey.....don't take me otherwise I was good, my teachers still love me. ;)

My school was in the suburbs of Kolkata. It is a beautiful building with a garden and a cottage (which was an orphanage for girls). There were two big Alsatians and lots of rabbits. Gosh..........I can just visualize them as if it was just yesterday I was there.....actually after spending twelve long nice years its very normal... :)

Every good thing has to come to an end.......and so did my time in JDS (stands for Julien Day School, but we had a different one..lolz ) It was on 1999, 5th February that I was finally thrown out of my school. Hey......I was on my 10th standard and I got my farewell yaar........lolz.

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